Friday, September 20, 2013

WoW Mists of Pandaria (The New Expansion Pack)

     So, they came out with a new expansion for World of Warcraft called Mists of Pandaria.  It's really cool and I personally like it a lot.  Basically what it adds is a BUNCH of new quests, areas, weapons, ext.  It also adds a new class and race.  It adds a race called the Panderan.  It's basically a panda, WHICH IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!  And the new class it adds is the Monk, which is a caster.  For those of you who don't know the different types of attacks, there's melee, casters, ranged, and healer.  I personally like melee and casters.  But I'm not here to talk about me, I am here to talk about the game.  The caster classes are mage, warlock, and monk.  The melee classes are warrior, death knight, and rogue.  And all the other classes have more than one role.
     I've heard that the easiest class to level is the hunter.  One of the reasons is that it is a ranged class and you get a pet that helps you kill your target by tanking them.  The pet that you get depend on which race you play.  The races are Panderan, worgen, human, goblin, gnome, orc, tauren, troll, blood elf, night elf, dranei, dwarf, and undead.  I know some of the pets you get.  For undead you get a spider.  For troll you get a raptor, like larry the raptor, for all you guys who have watched wowcrendors leveling series.  If you haven't, you should watch him.  But for orc you get a warthog.  That is all the pets that I know for hunter.
     Now in my opinion, I think druid is one of the harder classes to level.  Especially since they are casters.  But on the bright side, once you level a bit, you get different forms.  Like travel and feral form, for example.   The hardest form to get is the flight form, at level 58.  But I've heard it's awesome.  Druid class is best used with night elf.  But you can also use it with tauren, troll, and worgen.  The reason this class is best with night elf, is because night elfs like nature ALOT.  I once had a night elf druid, then I stopped playing.  But now I am getting back into the game.
     I can't really think of anything else to say, so I will be posting another blog post soon.  So see you then.  Oh, and here is the link to wowcrendors youtube channel.  ---><---

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